Establish Nature Partnerships
Establish Nature Partnerships
Establish Nature Partnerships
I believe that when we foster a deeper connection with nature, it helps to provide a greater understanding and respect for the natural environment, which leads to a want to protect and preserve it.
Creative Confidence
Creative Confidence
Creative Confidence
I believe that everyone is creative and I have faith in everyone’s ability to create. Trust your instincts, embrace experimentation, be curious and nurture your own potential.
Seek Beauty
Seek Beauty
Seek Beauty
Seek beauty in the unconventional and unique. I am in awe of nature’s indescribable beauty and am always looking at the subtle changes as I move through the landscape. Beauty is everywhere when we slow down enough to see.
Meaningful Connections
Meaningful Connections
Meaningful Connections
I believe fostering meaningful connections to place creates a stronger sense of belonging. Uncovering the stories and meanings associated with place will help to strengthen your attachment to the place. Seek to understand the past, connect with the present and dream of the future possibilities.
Believe in Magic
Believe in Magic
Believe in Magic
I believe in magic. Garden design is a magical alchemical process - a synergy between nature and human creativity. Through intentional design, the planting of a seed and nurturing hands, magical places are created.
Small Actions, Big Impact
Small Actions, Big Impact
Small Actions, Big Impact
I believe the small actions we take in our gardens when multiplied across gardens worldwide, can have a significant impact on the planet.